Exert from:  "Camp Tall Trees, T.P. Talk", a publication of the Jewish Community Center, Louisville, Kentucky, 1966 Season, Mr. Goldstein, camp director of the camp at Otter Creek Park.

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This summer six cabin groups had a most unusual experience. They all took a twelve mile trip by car to the farm of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Scott on Stith Valley Road.

Now a trip to any farm for a city boy or girl can be wonderful experience, but you haven't lived until you visited with the Scotts! During the first period all four boys groups made the journey, and in second period two groups asked for the trip in time to make arrangements.

On our first trip, the groups took a trip through the cave on the Shacklett Farm. Afterwards, the campers watched the milking and learned how to make their own rope. Then they had a wagon ride behind a tractor to a barley field. On the field the Scott's operated their combine and showed us how these machines work. Bruce rode the combine and helped sack the barley. It was dusty, but wonderful. After supper, the campers had another wagon ride part way up the hill to over-look the valley.

Sonny's group made the second trip to the Scott's, They saw the animals, and took a hike to the very top of the hill for a fine view of the farm and region. In addition to a wagon ride, Mr. Scott had a tractor with a hand clutch, and all the boys got a chance to learn how to drive the tractor! Now for a real sight, be certain you see the camp movies and watch the faces of these boys driving a tractor!

In the second period, Kay and Steve's group made the visit. They started with a trip through the cave. Later, they too made rope, and took a hike to the top of the hill to inspect the electric fence, the stock, and to see the valley. This group also had the wagon ride and in addition learned how to twirl a rope, walk on home made stilts and throw a hatchet. This group saw the turkeys, and took a look at the one day old piglets.

The Scott farm is in Meade County, and is about 45 or 50 miles from Louisville. It is a farm of about 230 acres, part of which is in timber. The Scotts have a dairy herd of 15 Holstein cows and they sell their milk to Sealtest. They raise and sell pigs, and just about all of the crops they grow are used for feed for the stock during the winter.

The Scotts have been active in 4H work for years and are most interested in young people, They were of great help to us in our own farm. Jess helped start the construction of our farm and suggested the general lay out for it. He also helped close the place out at the end of the season. But in addition to this, the Scotts sold us our cow, Betsy, they gave us most of our hens, they loaned us Francis the cat, and the two large gray geese.

Without question, we own a great deal of thanks to these wonderful friends.