Soil Survey of Meade and Breckinridge counties complete
The Meade County Messenger, Brandenburg, Kentucky, Wednesday, November 20, 2002

Messenger Staff
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John Bruington, far right, presents the soil conservation survey to the Scott famliy. A photo of the Scott family farm, which has been in existence for 200 years is featured on the cover of the survey.  Left to right: Frances Scott, Alan Scott, Jess Scott, Ann Scott Doman, Martha Scott Clift, Jack Scott, John Bruington.

      Eighteen years and $400,000 later Meade and Breckinridge counties have a complete soil survey. The United States Departrnent of Agriculture and the National Resources Conservation Service, in cooperation with the Kentucky Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Cabinet and Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station were all involved with making this one-inch thick report a reality.

      The original agreement to tackle the daunting task was signed in 1984 with the local soil conservation district board. Major fieldwork, which encompassed walking every inch of the two counties and taking soil samples was completed in 1992. In some areas deep pits were dug for in-depth information, and many tests were done to analyze permeability and other aspects of the soil. Each area is described by type of soil, slope, and erosion.

      Twenty-two percent of Meade County is designated as "prime farmland" and this survey helps all farmers in the county to maximize their crop yields. It also assists planners and developers by identifying the permeability of the soil which affects the sewage treatment system and construction parameters for building.
      Both counties are divided into grids, and each grid has a corresponding topographical map. After locating a particular area, you can then go through the index and find descriptives for each soil type in various scenarios. The soil classification is listed and several paragraphs then describe the characteristics of the soil, the compositon of the layers, permeability, water capacity, and suitability for crops, urban, and wildlife uses. Tables give the temperature and precipitation, freeze dates in spring and fall, growing season, acreage proportionate extent of the soils, land capability and yields per acre, capability classes and subclasses, woodland management and productivity, recreational development, wildlife habitat, building site development, sanitary facilities, construction materials, water management and other aspects of each soil type.
      A wealth of information and invaluable planning reference for the county, copies are available at the Soil Conservation office on the corner of Armory Place and Old Ekron Road.