Letter from Walter C. Scott to Jesse Virginia Scott Williams
May 19, 1947
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Clinton County
Soil Conservation District
Albany, Kentucky
George Guffey
W.L. Agee
Secty. & Treas.
W.E. Martin
Ass't. Secty. & Treas.
P.A. Beaty
Frank Perdue
Dear J.V.
Just got your telegram and so relieved to know how Ma is. She was so brae up to the last, about going to the hospital. her last card was the only one that hinted she was scared.
Sure hope she gets to come to Ky in June and meet Delean. I want you to meet her too.
We are trying so hard to get our debt paid and get straightened out. I don't aim to stay down here so far from the farm too long either! The trailer house is solving our cost of living problem pretty well and some day we hope to be doing still better. The gasoline stove does fairly well but I hope to get a bottle gas cook stove this fall for the trailer.
Say, we even saw a piano in a trailer at Knoxville (Tennessee University) so don't think we are cramped up too much.
Let me hear from you again soon.
Your brother