This was a small pocket-size notebook with a hard cover and written in pencil.
Log Book W.C. Scott
Nov 12 - 1939
November 12 - 1939
AM - 30 minutes instructions on piloting plane Taylor Cub Karsner Instr. (Just guiding)
($28. 1/2 fee)
PM 30 minutes (guiding) piloting plane - making figure 8's.
Nov. 15. Wed. 35 Minutes practicing steep dives at 2000'. need more practice clear.
Nov. 19 Sunday A.M. 30 minutes practiced take off and landing. did fairly well but need
lots of practice. cieiling 800'
Nov 23. Thursday AM - 25 minutes Take off + landing also steep curves ceiling 1000' only
Nov. 23 Fri PM - 30 minutes Steep curves take off and landing Landing rotten!
Dec 3rd AM 30 minutes cub. PM 30 minutes
Dec 10. 30 minutes on cub AM landing PM 30 minutes on Taylorcraft
December 17. AM 20 minutes on Taylorcraft practiced turns + landing
Cub 30 30 35 30 25 30 30 30 30
Taylor craft 30 20
____ 270
___ 4.5
The following notes were also in the notebook.
Mrs H.C. Moorman
7722 Union Ave. Chicago, Ill.
Helen Reeves 1155 N. Dearborne Chicago, Ill
April 12 1980 Mint Taking the Pasture Beef Steak Plant Perilla Ferutescens